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Graph Information

This graph shows the value of all S.M.A.R.T attributes of drive sdc (WDC WD102KRYZ-01A5AB0). smartctl_exit_status is the return value of smartctl. A non-zero return value indicates an error, a potential error, or a fault on the drive.

Field Internal name Type Warn Crit Info
Raw_Read_Error_Rate Raw_Read_Error_Rate gauge   016:   
Throughput_Performance Throughput_Performance gauge   054:   
Spin_Up_Time Spin_Up_Time gauge   024:   
Start_Stop_Count Start_Stop_Count gauge   000:   
Reallocated_Sector_Ct Reallocated_Sector_Ct gauge   005:   
Seek_Error_Rate Seek_Error_Rate gauge   067:   
Seek_Time_Performance Seek_Time_Performance gauge   020:   
Power_On_Hours Power_On_Hours gauge   000:   
Spin_Retry_Count Spin_Retry_Count gauge   060:   
Power_Cycle_Count Power_Cycle_Count gauge   000:   
Power_Off_Retract_Count Power_Off_Retract_Count gauge   000:   
Load_Cycle_Count Load_Cycle_Count gauge   000:   
Temperature_Celsius Temperature_Celsius gauge   000:   
Reallocated_Event_Count Reallocated_Event_Count gauge   000:   
Current_Pending_Sector Current_Pending_Sector gauge   000:   
Offline_Uncorrectable Offline_Uncorrectable gauge   000:   
UDMA_CRC_Error_Count UDMA_CRC_Error_Count gauge   000:   
smartctl_exit_status smartctl_exit_status gauge